Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Solstice Begins

As the Earth moves through the heavens, the axial tilt of the North Pole reaches its farthest point from the sun at 10:30 pm PST on Wednesday, December 21st (which means depending on where you are in the world it might be tomorrow). This signifies the winter solstice for those in the Northern Hemisphere.

As we approach this pivotal moment, the dawning of a new season is upon us and as such it is time to honor the needs of this part of our cycle.  Unfortunately, in the modern world, we have been trained to forget this alignment our bodies have to the cyclical aspect of our Being.  With this in mind, it is not surprising that our bodies scream at us to go to bed prior to what we have deemed as normal and when the alarm goes off in the morning, we find it more challenging to awaken.  We were never meant to be forced to stay awake.  We have a symbiotic relationship with our planet and in the heart of winter we require a mini-hibernation each evening.

Metaphorically speaking, winter is the time for introspection—a time for clearing out what no longer serves us, making way for what we truly desire.  The cycle of death and rebirth are apparent in the symbolic meaning of this shortest day that is overcome by the longest night only to see the rebirth of the sun again tomorrow.  Each day will then begin to get a little longer until the pinnacle of the summer solstice is reached.

For those of you are in the Southern Hemisphere, then the summer solstice begins, meaning this is the longest day of the year and the shortest night and the days will be getting shorter starting tomorrow. For you, it is the time of passion and creativity.

So, no matter where you are in the world, it is my hope that you take a moment to look within and send blessings to the new cycle.  As for me, I send to you many blessings on this sacred day.

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)