Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Let's See the Light

When I heard what happened last Sunday evening, I could literally feel the emotions from around the world; some feeling great elation for the death of an enemy and some that were sending anger or even hatred towards Americans for this murderous act...and all these emotions made me sad. In that moment, I felt guided to send Compassion to all Beings everywhere.

Ten years ago, I was right along with the crowd that said, "Get him!" Through my awakening, I have been afforded an understanding that exchanging one hateful act for another only breeds more hatred. I suppose that due to my own metamorphosis I have been given a unique insight into both sides of the opinionated coin and because of this I can only empathize with every person on this planet.

I have learned that instead of continuing the cycle of negativity by harboring hatred for one man who committed an attrocious act ten years ago and instead of allowing hatred to seep through our veins towards the government that took it upon themselves to avenge the many lives lost, we have the great opportunity to stop vengeance right now in this moment and send out the energy of Peace, Love, Light and Compassion to all including those feeling elation for one man's death; for wherever they are on their Spiritual Journey everyone is part of the Divine Force.

We can remember that Ghandi and his followers never raised a weapon, stick or even a fist; yet they were still able to fight a powerful enemy. They did so through Peace and Love and through this course this simple man won the freedom of an entire nation.

In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)

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