Sunday, May 29, 2011

I put this article on my newsletter this month, but I thought it was worth a double dosage by putting it here on my blog...So, happy reading!

As my friend and teacher Anna says, today I celebrate going around the sun for the 45th time. Yep, every June first, I honor the day of my birth and I have done it so many times now I am getting pretty good at it. Yippee!

To give you a little look into my life, I grew up In a family where my grandmother, grandfather and my aunt all share the same week of birthdays with me. Needless to say, the Gemini Birthday Bash as we called it was always a big deal filled with loads of people, music, a ubiquitous amount of gifts and a large cake stuffed with as many candles as it could hold. Growing up with all the hooplah, I thought June first was the coolest day to be born on in the history of mankind!

As I have grown older and life has quieted down a bit, I contemplate how lucky I have been to have manifested into the physical Being I am in this lifetime. It hasn’t always been bells and whistles. In fact, I have had to endure great hardship to get to the place where I am now, but I even celebrate the pain, for it all gave me the opportunity to shed the old beliefs and to expand my Spirit. With each new day I awaken to not only the beautiful Earth that surrounds me, I awaken Spiritually to recognize more of my Light. As June first has always held a special place in my heart, my re-birthing process that I move through on all the other days are even more powerful reminders of the Divine within me and I celebrate that, as well.

I salute my own birthday and re-birth days AND I celebrate all of yours too. It’s not just about June first for me anymore. It’s about every day of the year being the best that we can be. We have all manifested on this planet, as Avatars, if you will. Avatar is not just the name of a blockbuster movie, an avatar is the physical manifestation of a deity--and that diety in this case would be YOU! We are all branches of the same Divine body after all! We simply spend a lot of time forgetting that fact thinking that we are somehow not as good as the next guy, when we should be honoring the Innate Wisdom that is already within.

Remember, that no matter where we are on the Spiritual path towards Enlightenment, we are all on it. Our heads are not better than our feet just because they are at the bottom of our body and our Spirit Body works in the same way. No one is worse off than anyone else, just because they are not as far along in their journey. Yes, we can choose to see the Light or we can choose to stay back behind the shadows, but either way, we are all in this together.

That whole being One with everything idea might be a large concept to grasp, but we can take a look at it on a smaller scale. There are different facets of your own personality. There may be lover you, spouse you, parent you, golfer you, intellect you, dancer you, gossip you, traveler you, gardener you, friend with Bill you, friend with Susy you and so on. They are all different aspects of the same you and we are all different parts of the same Source.

That all being said, as we move through this process of awakening, we bring to us teachers (formally or otherwise) that match our vibration. They are here to help us remember who we are. It is not necessary to be devout followers, rather we can learn what we can to create the Leader within. As such, we will, of course, like some of what they have to say and we will not like other things that they say. That is normal. If you disregard what does not work for you then take what you do like, mix it with all the other goodies you have learned along the way, you can then blend it all together to make a nice recipe that celebrates YOU and that helps to elevate the Universal Consciousness.

So, remember that YOU are perfect and YOU already know the truth. I send YOU happy birthday wishes whenever your birthday is and I send happy re-birth day wishes to YOU every day.

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)

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