Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Rhythm of Life

For the last few weeks, I was in dreary-land mode. First of all, I was sick. Then I was simply tired. I didn't want to write. I didn't want to do anything, but read or watch TV—and believe me there was more watching TV than reading going on!
Considering how much I like to read, that is just downright strange. But for once, I decided that I was not going to fight this rhythm I was in.

I have known for quite some time that we ebb and flow in and out of states of being active and being restful, but that didn't mean that my ego didn't step up to the forefront to take a bow. We have all been taught to go, go go. And if we aren't going, we are failing. Well, that is simply not true. Sometimes we need a respite and if we don't listen to what our Inner Wisdom is telling us The Universe will create the dynamic for that very thing to take place.

So, now I am rested and the malaise has run its course. Furthermore, in the last few days I have been on a whirlwind of activity. Ideas are freely flowing. I am writing again. I am reading again. And I am putting energy into my business. It is all good! I needed the break so that I could be who I am in this moment of now.

Ergo, if you are feeling tired, sick, cranky, lethargic, or any of those other so-called negative descriptions, just let yourself BE. Go with the flow instead of fighting to go upstream. It's all needed and it's all good.

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)