Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Bucket List

There are times when I have my mind set on doing something, but then the Universe intervenes, guiding me to do something else entirely.  Last night was one of those times.  It was my greatest desire to simply sit quietly and finish a book that I had
been reading, but every time I tried to read a page, I couldn't concentrate.  All I could see in my mind's eye was an image of me writing down my Bucket List.           

Now, I am the first one to admit that I like to hand write about as much as I like cleaning the bathroom
meaning, not so much.  I would prefer to type on my keyboard any old day. I mean, when they invented the computer, I think they had me in mind.  I can cut and paste.  I can delete.  I can even change the fonts if I want to. And let's face it, I can not only type faster than I can write, my typed papers are a whole lot easier to read than any sort of penmanship I can muster.  However, on this particular evening, typing was not going to work.  I didn't know why, but I simply knew I had to put my book down, pick up a pen and notebook and go to work. So, that is precisely what I proceeded to do.

Now, you may be thinking what is a Bucket List anyway and why did she feel compelled to write one.  I, myself, discovered what a Bucket List was when I watched a beautiful film of the same name starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.  In this story, two unlikely friends come together to fulfill a wish list of to-do items before they “kick the bucket” —hence, the appropriately named Bucket List. 

OK, well that is well and good.  I certainly have a few things that I would like to accomplish before kicking my own bucket, so creating a list is certainly not a problem, but why was it so important that I write it by hand?  The answer came in so clearly not only as I was writing it, but afterwards as I sat in meditation.

First of all, it was downright fun creating this list of mine.  Smiles abounded on my face as I thought of one thing after another.  From writing in a hot air balloon in Sedona to having a bestseller on the New York Times book list, I listed it all.  I jotted down places I will see and I wrote both the professional and private goals that I am creating in my life.  I initially assumed that I would have about ten different things or so to write, but as I began to put pen to paper, the list steadily grew.  As I think of more things, I simply add it to my list, which is now hanging near my desk so that I can easily view it at any old time.

After I completed my task for the evening, I sat in meditation and it was there where the smiles that started during the writing process turned into something much more. As I sat in quiet contemplation, I could literally feel the energy in my heart chakra expand in my body and then throughout the room I was in, reaching out to the outer edge of the Universe.  I could feel that the writing of my list, as opposed to the typing of my list, was somehow stimulating the Universe into action. I absolutely knew in that moment, that everything I wrote was and therefore is becoming manifest in this three-dimensional reality, we call life.  It will simply show up in my perceptual range when the perfect time is absolutely right. 

During this process, I realized that while thinking about something is the first part of creating my path, the writing of it is like solidifying it in a contractual agreement. This contractual agreement is between me and the Universe and, of course, the Universe is doing everything it needs to do to make it all happen.  Needless to say, I am elated beyond measure and this elation is helping in the creative process, as well.

So, the next time you have a wish or two that you are thinking about, I highly recommend pulling out the old pen and paper and start creating your own Bucket List.  We are here to not only create our reality, but to experience a well-lived life.  My Bucket List is helping me achieve just that.  It is my hope that yours does too.

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)

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