Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Creating the Weather

In the last week the media, including the news and social media has been flooded with information of the latest hurricane.  Remember, we manifest into reality what we focus on. When millions of us spend unlimited time watching the negative news and thinking how horrible all the natural disasters are (or will be), we create more of the same.  The weather actually becomes worse because we are creating it that way. When we focus, instead, on compassion and sending Love and Light, we create more of that. Let's not allow the news to dictate how we feel.  We can shift our realities within an instant, including how the weather affects us in our physical/mental/emotional and Spiritual realities.
With that, I am sending Blessings to us all!
...and so it is.
Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)