Friday, August 5, 2011

Fear Factor

Something came up in my life a few days ago that created deep fear in me. As the situation developed, I could physically feel the pain the anxiety was creating as it swirled around in my body. My stomach felt queasy. My chest and throat felt constricted. In addition, I was letting my imagination run wild. Projecting the worst case scenario as an outcome for the future, I had taken myself out of the present. I had moved into fight or flight response mode, not because I was in any danger, but because I was allowing my ego-voice to take control. It was telling me to be afraid and to stay that way indefinitely and I was listening. Needless to say, I wasn’t having any fun.

After giving permission to my ego to be in charge for about a day, I decided it was time to let Spirit move back into control. I was already in the dark place and I most certainly did not want to suppress my feelings. Doing that only created a space for these emotions to stay in my energetic and physical bodies for it to manifest into something much worse at a later date. Who needs that? So, instead, I calmly sat down and began to pay attention to my breathing. This always helps to bring me back into the present moment. As my lungs filled with air, I expressed gratitude to the Universe for allowing me to be here even during this dark time.

I then took note of my feelings. Yes, I already recognized that my physical body felt horrible, but now I wanted to really pay attention to each individual part. I breathed into my stomach. I noticed every nuance of pain I felt in that area. I honored the moment. I repeated the action with my chest and throat. Lastly, I scanned the rest of my body to make sure I did not miss anything. Thankfully, I hadn’t so I moved onto the next step.

The first level of healing was to deal with my physical body, now I had to deal with my Spirit body. I teach how important it is to see everything in life in life as a gift, even the so-called “bad stuff.” Nothing is actually bad. Everything is presented to us in order to teach us something. Challenges can be seen as an opportunity to let go of old beliefs and to expand our vibrations to recognize Spiritual Truths. Even though I already knew this to be true, I am human and because of this I have to sometimes bring balance back into the picture. This was one of those times.

I looked deep within to see what the important lesson was that I needed to learn from this situation and that is when it hit me. I have been an avid “control freak” for the majority of my life. I want everything to be my way and that’s it. That is fine and dandy if life were a story book, but it is not. Life throws us curve balls that are out of our control and we need to learn to go with the flow. Instead of fighting to go upstream, I have to simply ride out the course of the water and see where it takes me. This is a big part of why I manifested on Earth in this lifetime. I am here to learn that I cannot control life’s events. However, I can choose to go with the flow and allow the magic to happen. And guess what? That is when the magic actually began to happen for me in this situation.

Still in meditation, I began to assume that the situation was ALREADY RESOLVED in the direction that I desired and I repeatedly affirmed that I was GRATEFUL for the resolution. I visualized how the outcome would look while maintaining that it had happened in the past, not that it was going to happen in the future. I practiced this mantra and visualization while in quiet meditation, but I did not stop there. I continued my thought process while taking my daily walks, while I did the dishes and while I watched tv. I had to make certain that I actually believed it was true.

As I created in my mind what I really wanted, a miracle began to unfold. I no longer held onto the physical pain I was feeling. I let it go. I allowed the Universe to take control of the situation. I knew it was already resolved, I simply did not know when it would manifest in this dimension. I just had to go with the flow. The good news is that by the end of the night, the situation was resolved with the exact outcome I had hoped for! I was so excited for the result that I not only thanked the Universe again, I also performed my own personal “victory dance”, raising my hands in the air in the shape of a V and moving the rest of my body in any direction it wanted to move in. I was on a natural high and I was celebrating!

This situation had become another teacher for me. I not only established that I needed to move with the flow of life, I also needed to create what I want by recognizing that it had already happened and that I was grateful for the result—even before it had actually manifested. It was important for me to learn that I did not know how this manifestation would take place. The “how” part of the equation was none of my business. As long as I did not put my own limitations on how the outcome must take place, I was leaving room for the Universe to do its thing—to make it work out in its own way.

All I can say is this, “Hallelujah! Life is such a blessing!”

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)

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