Friday, May 1, 2009


My intention was to leave at 8:00 in the morning. At the rate I was moving, I would be leaving at 8:30. I hurriedly put on my make-up, gathered my keys, phone and purse and was out the door. “I’m late. I’m late,” I kept telling myself.

I had a scheduled reiki session with a friend of mine in the city and now that I wasn’t actually living in the city I had to deal with public transportation. Since my appointment wasn’t until 11:00 I figured I had enough time to pick up my check from a client in the city beforehand. That way I would have money to buy lunch after the session.I drove to BART in Pleasant Hill and found my parking spot. I clutched my purse and as I was locking the door I heard my train arrive and then leave. Another train would not be there for 20 minutes. More thoughts of, “I’m late. I’m late. I am going to be so late,” filtered through my mind.

Tapping my toes on the pavement, I waited impatiently for my train. Time stood still and the train seemingly took forever. “I’m late. I’m late.”At last, the next train arrived and I found my seat. “I’m late. I’m late.”The train stalled somewhere between Orinda and the Rockridge stations and we sat for several minutes. “I’m late. I’m late.”I finally arrived in San Francisco at 10:00 am, one hour before my much needed reiki appointment. I still needed to pick up a check from a client before the appointment. After disembarking off the BART train, I hopped on the MUNI train and headed for the Castro. I reached my destination at 10:07. While it’s only a 15 minute walk up the very steep hill to my client’s house from the station, I was late so I needed to find a cab.

There were none to be found. The Castro which is normally bustling with cabs was like a cab gravesite that day. I called for one on my cell and it took 10 minutes to arrive. “I’m late. I’m late.” I called my reiki practitioner to see if I could delay an hour, but the sound of her voicemail made me realize she would not get the message in time.My client’s were supposed to leave a check for me in the garage. It wasn’t there. “I’m late.” I ran upstairs and they were both on the phone. So, I had to wait for them to write it. 10:24…10:25…10:30…10:32.Finally, with my check in hand I called for another cab. It will be a 20 minute delay. “But, I’m late!”I started heading down the hill to the Castro on foot. “I’m late. I’m late. I only have 20 minutes to get across town and a bus would not make it in time. I have to find a cab! Why is nothing going my way today?"

That is when the bell rung off in my head and I understood everything. AHH, but it is going my way…exactly my way. Since 8:00 that morning I kept saying in my mind, “I’m late.” The Universe was simply obliging me by giving me exactly what I asked for. I started to laugh at myself. I had been the creator of my lateness!

I immediately changed my thought process. “I AM ON TIME! I AM ON TIME!” Guess what happened…without exaggeration I can honestly say a cab drove by right at that very moment and picked me up. I made my appointment on time!

The entire morning I had wasted telling myself I was late, becoming anxious and worrying that I would miss my appointment. With simply changing my thought process, I achieved what I really wanted, which was to be on time. Now any time I find myself saying, “I am late,” I say to the Universe to DELETE that thought. I switch gears to saying, “I am on time,” or even “I am early.” It works every time.

The law of attraction works for everything. Our thoughts are energetic forms which create our reality. By changing our thoughts and thereby our beliefs, we can create a new reality. When your mind begins its negative chattering, turn the thought around. For example, if you are worried about money, instead of saying to yourself, “I don’t have any money to pay my bills,” focus on what you do have, “I have $55!” That $55 may not be enough to pay your bills, but if you think in your mind with enthusiasm that you are lucky to have the $55 the Universe will send you more. If you focus on how terrible it is that you don’t have any money, the Universe will send you more lack.


Make two columns on a piece of paper. On the left side, write down one time your negative responses to things. On the right side, write down a positive outlook instead. Write it three times, to let the Universe know you are serious. Do this for as many things as you wish.

Negative Affirmation:

“I don’t have any money.”

Positive Affirmation:

“I have $55! Woo hoo, THANK YOU!”

“I have $55! Woo hoo, THANK YOU!”

“I have $55! Woo hoo, THANK YOU!”

Anytime the negative thought pops in your head say the word DELETE in your mind. Like the delete button on a computer keyboard, the Universe will delete the thought from existence. Then switch it to the new thought. By adding ‘thank you’ the Universe will hear your gratitude and the affirmation is all the more powerful. You can meditate on the new thought as well. Say the new thought throughout the day in your mind as often as you think of it. The more you affirm to the Universe what you desire, the more likely you are to actually recieve it.

Thank you for reading and Namaste!

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