Wednesday, April 15, 2009


While having lunch with two other women, one of them became visibly upset during the course of the conversation. She was relaying to us how her teacher expressed her concern that morning, because she had not received a deposit from any of her students for an upcoming retreat in Italy. The instructor mentioned that without confirmation the students were actually going to be there, she did not want to book her flight. The woman I was talking to was upset because the teacher didn’t trust her and the others in the class who had all been long time students of this teacher.

As I listened to her story, I realized she was only seeing things from her point of view and she was becoming angry to boot. I offered a different scenario to the story. I told her that I didn’t think this was an issue of trust at all. I was certain she trusts and enjoys the presence of all her students. However, I believed it could possibly be an issue of her not having the funds up front for the plane reservation and being embarrassed to say so.

The woman I was with argued if that were the case she could just say so. While that is true, most people will not share their financial troubles with anyone, especially clients. They do not want to show themselves as not being financially successful at what they do for a living. Most people are embarrassed about having a lack of funds and do everything they can to hide that information. She is frankly not required to divulge it either. That is her personal information and that is that.

I added that the fact is that this particular teacher only has this group of five or so students as her client base and she is not independently wealthy either. She holds weekend retreats for them every two months and she works with each of them individually over the phone. This is not a large clientele base for what she does and she has a daughter to feed, as well. It would seem more than likely that this scenario is really about something else rather than a lack of trust.

Even after offering a different point of view, the woman I was talking with decided she would tell off the teacher for her lack of trust. She was so angry, even with words of wisdom from an outside source she could not see what she didn’t want to see. She only saw things from her point of view. She chose to be angry instead of feel compassion for her fellow human being.

We all have our individual perspectives about things. We each take in the information and process it and see what we want to see. The problem is that when we are dealing with other people, they have their point of views, as well; seeing things the way they are choosing to see them. Miscommunication after miscommunication can occur between friends, colleagues, even nations, creating disharmony in the Universe.

When you find that you are angry at someone, try stepping out of your shoes and into their's for a moment. Why would this other person act in such a way? Is it really because of the reason you have surmised in your mind or could it possibly be about something else entirely.

Remember, we are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. Embrace the Light in yourself and embrace the Light in others. We all have something to contribute to each other’s learning experience. All you need to do is simply pay attention to the details and feel compassion for everyone you meet. Offering compassion instead of unwarranted anger allows for a positive energetic exchange for both parties. If you rise above the situation at hand and learn the great lesson you were meant to learn you will then feel only Love; that is your True Nature, after all.

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)

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