Saturday, March 28, 2009


"Your thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment, and all the moments up to this moment. What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next moment and the next day and the next month and the next year."

-Louise Hay

If your thoughts and beliefs from the past have created your present then your thoughts and your beliefs now are creating your future. If you believe that you are poor now, then you will be poor tomorrow. If you affirm in your mind that you are lonely today then you will be lonely tomorrow. We need to change our thoughts and change our belief systems in order to change our tomorrows.

And this isn’t just about the big stuff. It can be about little things too. For example, I am a great admirer of Dr. Wayne Dyer. In fact, I would say I have a 'spiritual crush' on him. When I found out he was coming to San Francisco, I bought a ticket to his engagement immediately. At one point, I was very uncomfortable sitting in the chair. I thought to myself, "For $75 the auditorium should provide a comfortable seat!" Almost simultaneously, as I was thinking that, Dr. D was speaking about "changing your thoughts". Well, I actually took his advice and at that moment I changed my thoughts. In my mind I said, "I am GRATEFUL to be sitting in this chair which allows me the opportunity to see my favorite Dr. D." I changed my thoughts and in turn my reality shifted. Suffice it to say the chair no longer bothered me.
On another occasion I was scrubbing the pot I had just cooked my oatmeal in. It was not non-stick and it was difficult to clean. I boiled water in it to loosen the oatmeal, which only helped a little bit. At first I was complaining in my mind about not having a non-stick pan. Then I realized that I was grateful to be staying in the home I was visiting. I was grateful to have a kitchen and have the ability to cook my food. When I said all that in my mind the pot became easy to clean. It was as simple as that.

We can start changing our thoughts by writing down and repeating in our minds positive affirmations every day. According to Louise Hay, she says to repeat affirmations in your mind not once, but thousands of times per day. When I first read that I thought it was crazy to think anyone could repeat an affirmation so many times. However, after thinking about it further, I do use affirmations in my meditations. I do use affirmations when I walk. I do use my affirmations when performing mundane chores. It all adds up.

Our minds have a tendency to chatter. When it starts its mumbo jumbo thank the chattering for coming. Tell it you are going back to your affirmation and let it go. If you were thinking negative thoughts at the time, then simply think the word “DELETE”. By using the word delete you are erasing the negative thought from the Universal Intention Stratosphere. Like a keyboard on a computer, you are deleting the negative thought from existence. Return to focusing on your positive affirmation even if you are walking down the street. Every time you do you are exclaiming to the Universe your intention and creating your future.

Creating your life is not simply about changing your thoughts. That is only part of the picture. You actually have to change your belief system, as well. If you affirm that you want a million dollars, but you believe you are poor, then my friend you will stay poor. You are keeping the kernel of doubt inside you and not allowing the Universe to do its thing by bringing you abundance or a way to earn your abundance.

That said however, by repeating positive affirmations you are planting the seed for changing your belief system. You can’t expect to play football perfectly or drive a car proficiently your first time out. It’s all about practice. And repeating affirmations is giving you the practice to change your beliefs. One day it will click and it and the magic will begin.

Manifesting your dreams is simple as 1, 2, 3:

1) Find or create a positive affirmation every day. It can be the same one, but use it daily.

2) Write down and post it somewhere where you will see it regularly.

3) Repeat in your mind whenever your mind starts chattering. It’s as simple as that.

Start on your path today for creating your tomorrows. The Universe is ready to take down your order and supply with whatever dreams you desire.

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)

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