Monday, June 30, 2014

Nurturing the Heart Chakra

The last several weeks has shown me some dramatic happenings. This so-called chaos isn't actually in my life, but rather it is surrounding it. Nevertheless, I have allowed it to affect me as though I were going through the situation myself. As I
observe the events unfolding, I initially had shut down into myself, which then led to my anger coming out. Needless to say, it hasn't been much fun. However, after my cycle of emotional responses ran its course, I sat back and looked at why I brought this information to myself.  As the creator of my reality, everything I perceive is somehow a mirror for me. It is simply up to me to stop, take a breath, and look at the reasons behind this creation.

Mandala representing the Heart Chakra
That being said, the calm voice that comes through during meditation never ceases to amaze me. In this space, I can find the answers that I am seeking.  As I opened the door to my Higher Self to come through, I was informed that it was my Heart Chakra that needed attention. The Heart Chakra is the energetic space in the center of the chest that is in charge of our loving energy.  Not simply the love for our partner or for our family, but the Divine Love for all that is in the Universe. Admittedly, my Heart Chakra in this lifetime has been more like a tightly wound ball of yarn, where the center is shielded from layer upon layer that has blocked the intensity of its True Nature. It took little convincing for me to acknowledge that this space in my Being was most assuredly what I needed to work on.

On the first day, I felt guided to visualize a healing green energetic light surrounding this space. I asked if Archangel Michael could cut any energetic cords that were no longer serving me. At this point, it occurred to me that I could picture the entire Universe lodged inside my Heart space.  I witnessed the many stars, the planets, along with the blackness of the void in between the celestial Beings. The void is the place of creation and it was here when I chose to affirm that, "I am the Universe. I am Peace and Harmony. I am Freedom." As I repeated the mantra in my mind, I saw and felt an expansion. My small Universe centered in my Heart space began to fill up my entire body. Afterward, it expanded even further, throughout my home, the town I live in, our planet at large and then outwards to our solar system until it reached the boundary of our entire Universe. In that moment, I felt connected to all Beings everywhere and truly was in Peace and Harmony with the Great Cosmos.

That was all well and good, but much to my chagrin, more drama happened the following day, which meant that I hadn't completed the work on myself. On this occasion, I was guided to buy a new rose quartz crystal. The metaphysical properties of this stone are well known to be the conduit for the Highest form of Love. It stood to reason, this was exactly what I needed. For this second Heart Chakra meditation, I decided to lie down and place the quartz centered on my chest. The enriching energy coming into my body was immediate. I felt calm, cool and collected. However, after only a few minutes, I began to twitch. 

It is a common occurrence for twitching to take place during any form of energetic healing practice, but this is not something that I commonly do. Nevertheless, I began twitching regularly for the hour long session at approximately one-minute intervals. While this was the most intense session of twitching, it didn't end there. For the next several days, my body would suddenly jolt to attention all on its own—whether I was meditating or not. Additionally, I had some energy work done on me after a massage and the twitching, while not nearly as strong as the first time, was still pretty intense.

It seemed that with all that was going on, it was time that I Shamanically Journey to the Spirit of my Heart space. On the physical level, the shock waves stemming from my Heart throughout my body, once again became more pronounced. As the shaking continued, my mind's eye left my body. It was here where I recognized that my Energetic Self is Eternal. From the primordial beginnings of Creation itself as the dust and rocks gathered together to formulate all that is, to this present day incarnation, and onward to the end of Time itself, I am Eternal. I, of course, already knew this to be true, but a gentle reminder now and again is helpful in the telling that this too shall pass. Furthermore, in the grand scheme of things the chaos that we seemingly experience happens for a mere blip on the radar of our Soul's existence. It is also in this time of chaos when the act of transformation can occur. It is when the doors that were previously closed to us begin to open. 

At the closing of my Journey, I saw the three faces of me—the elderly all-knowing Sage, the Mother of all of Life, as well as the Young Girl who is innocent and pure. As I attain certain sets of wisdom, I then am reborn into the knew ways of thinking, where I must grow up and begin the process all over again.

With that in mind, each day over the last week, I have practiced various active and internal meditations dedicated to my Heart space. What can I say, I am a work in progress, but there is little doubt I am determined to move fully into my more Loving Self. As I do so, it has been clear to me that these small bursts of electrical charges that are flowing throughout my body, are allowing for the releasing of the old ways of thinking that have kept me protected for a lifetime. Furthermore, they are enabling the opening of my Heart Space. What that means in its entirety, only time will tell. In the meantime, I look forward to bearing witness to its unfolding. For the moment, I absolutely feel calmer and more self assured.

So, in this period of Universal action, allow yourself the time to consciously nurture your Heart space. This all important chakra helps to connect our physical presence with our inner Divinity, bringing balance to our entire Being—and that certainly is a good thing.

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)

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