Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Yin and Yang of Abundance

I was out on one of my early morning walks that begin while it is still dark out. Because I leave so early to avoid the Arizona heat, I am able to experience the process of the sun rising, witnessing the constantly changing shades from black to cobalt to powder blue. As the sun peaks its rays over the horizon, the vibrancy of the salmon clouds act like jewels to enhance the sky. On this particular morning, the heavens seemed to caress the stars in the distance while the moon swelled to its fullest capacity above me. The moon was not leaving my side as the sun gradually began to show itself and I was presented with both of the celestial bodies at the same time. The moon continued to reflect the light from the sun down upon me and I appreciated the connection between the three of us—the sun, the moon and myself.

For me the sun represents the Divine Masculine qualities in all of us—the drive, the rationality and the focus, among other things, while the moon is a metaphor for the Divine Feminine spark we each have—our intuition, receptivity, creativity and the nurturing aspects of our Being. As I walked between them, I celebrated the feeling of balance between both the Yin and Yang aspects of the two Divine creations.

The term Yin and Yang is derived from the Chinese philosophy that all things in the Universe stem from either a masculine or a feminine context. Everything, therefore, has its exact opposite. Whether we are a man or a woman, we carry elements that are both Yin nature (feminine) and Yang in nature (masculine). When we are feeling geared up and ready to go, that is our masculine energy at work and when we are called to create something that is our feminine aspect doing it its thing.

The symbol for Yin and Yang are the two fish-type creatures in circle with one another. Yin is dark, representing the Void or the place where all of Creation occurs and Yang is light colored, representing the drive to reach our Spiritual Light.

As I continued my journey, it occurred to me that financial abundance springs forth from the balance of both the Yin and Yang aspects and seeing these two entities as a metaphor for the Masculine and Feminine, I took it upon myself to ask them both to bring balance towards my own financial situation. It was a lovely visualization, but I was compelled to add more.

The clouds spanned the lengths of the sky and I got them in on the act, as well. I imagined that they were showering me with $100 bills along with succulent red hearts. It seemed to me I was receiving money with love from the heavens.

I added the caveat to my visualized creation by spanning a rainbow across the sky that ended in the crown of my head. I imagined that it filled up my body with the radiant light force of each color to its corresponding partner in my chakra system. The chakras are spinning wheels in our energetic bodies that are aligned with various aspects of our physical and Spiritual planes (ie. survival issues, sexuality, creativity, self-esteem, power, love, intuition, etc.) Each of them are represented with their own color. The seven primary chakras are the same colors as each stripe in a rainbow. So, in my mind I was imaging the rainbow’s red arc filling up the red of the root chakra; the orange of the rainbow filled the orange of the sacral chakra and so on.

As I visualized these images, I could truly feel the abundance that surrounded me. The ubiquitous amount of leaves on each of the trees, the never ending rocks that graced the desert floor, the clouds in the sky that seemingly went on forever all metaphorically represent abundance and it was simply everywhere.

While I felt sheer joy from my active meditation, it also served a practical purpose. Within only a few days, I manifested several hundred dollars that I wasn’t expecting. My bills were paid and I was able to spend money on things I actually wanted instead of only what I needed—and that was a fun thing too!

So, if you are struggling to make ends meet, remember that abundance does surround us wherever we look. Moreover, if we keep in mind that both the masculine and feminine energies are at work to create this manifestation we will bring balance to our creation.

I encourage all of us to go forth and create!

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)

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