Tuesday, May 18, 2010

C'est la Reiki (This is Reiki)

A student of mine had written because her hands were not as hot as they were on the day of her reiki 2 attunement. She knew her hands were working, but she was a little concerned that they may not be working as well. I put her mind to ease with my response.

On the day of an attunement hands tend to go totally crazy energetically. They may feel especially hot or the vibration may pulse rapidly. However reiki manifests in you that first day, is how it is meant to be. After having a big attunement, your body is uber-charged. It is analogous to when you plug something into the wall and the outlet sparks. The spark only lasts for a moment, but afterwards the electricity still moves through the current into the plug. It works very nicely in fact. If it continued to set off sparks there would be a fire and the wall would burn up. Reiki is similar. It is still nicely running its course, doing its thing too.

After the calming down period, the reiki is always working, but it will work how it needs to be. Whether the hands are extremely hot or vibrationally charged on some days and less so on others it is perfectly fine. No need to worry because reiki knows what to do.

Another thing, reiki can actually be cold too. I do not mean cold from the weather, I mean that reiki is specifically producing coldness even while in the midst of a heatwave. Particularly cold hands are actually working harder than hot hands. Our ego wants to believe that hands need to be hot to work because it feels good next to our skin, but in truth reiki is about healing and the Universal Life Force works specifically how it is needed in any given moment.

If hands are perceived as cold, particularly if the coldness is felt internally at the organ level, then it is pretty safe to say that the individual is moving through a dramatic vibrational shift. As their vibration increases, Spirit moves more fully within them and there is a perception of coldness. It is like the spiraling staircase. When you move up the path of a spiral, you will eventually end up along the same line but at a higher altitude. It simply takes time for the body to adjust.

When hands are cold just know your Spirit is working hard to shift you into a better reality. If it bothers you to sense coldness after a session, the best remedy is a cup of tea and a hot shower. The reiki will continue to work and do its thing and you will feel relaxed while it is doing so.

No matter how your reiki is working in any given moment, just remember the Universe knows what it is doing. It is all perfect!

Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)


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