Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Releasing Fear and Stepping into Authenticity

I know what is going on feels scary, and my heart aches for those hardest hit by world events right now. However, I always try to see my life's circumstances from a Spiritual perspective. Looking within to see the lesson that we all here to learn is important in this time of now.

Yesterday, when I found out I would be out of work for 3 weeks, I immediately went into fear. How will I pay my bills? But today, as I had a "pajama day" things feel different. For you see, I have been running around non-stop for four years and it feels beautiful to be able to rest, reflect, meditate, write and study. Today was about getting in touch with my True Essence and for that I am grateful. Being able to have the time to do these things are a part of my Authentic Self and I feel that the Universe has gifted me--and all of us this gift of rest and reflection.

As a society, we have all been on non-stop go for centuries. We work so hard that there is very little time for reflection. There is very little time for authenticity. We have now been given that time.

We are given this opportunity to shift out the old paradigm and bring forth the new. It feels right--even in the midst of the chaos we are experiencing. Out of chaos new life is formed—always. I feel the shifting tide is here and we are here to ride its wave. Yes, it's scary releasing our old ways of doing things, but that is what we are here to do. The time is now to get in touch with our Hearts and our Inner Wisdom to navigate through this new world.

That being said, my heart goes out to all of us around the world, particularly for those who have been hardest hit by what's going on. Italy, Iran and the rest. It's not about us versus them. It's about understanding our connection with one another. We are in this together. We are One.

Sending Prayers, Love, Light and Understanding to all around the world.

Namaste. (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you).

To learn more about me and my practice, visit

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